10 questions (and answers) about SAP Training
MMC has just completed its fifth annual SAP training survey , collecting responses from more than 1,300 SAP professionals from around the world (79 countries to be exact). The results were impressive on one hand and predictable on the other. For example:
Traditional classroom training continues to lose importance. Only 28% of SAP professionals rate it as their preferred training method.
65% stated that online training is their preferred option.
And here's a stunner: 48% said they didn't receive enough training to do their job!
They asked further questions about the biggest barriers to training; how much money is being spent on training; what the hottest topics are, etc.
In addition, ERP market analyst and co-founder of diginomica.com, Jon Reed, provided his analysis and comments on the survey results.
Are you surprised by these answers? Would you have liked other / additional questions? Please leave us a comment.